Confined By Coronavirus: 5 Not-So-Boring Things You Can Do This Weekend
What you always wanted to but never got around to doing
In normal times, we make plans for the weekend and often end up being overbooked. Meeting friends for coffee or dinner, watching a movie at multiplex or floating around a mall window shopping are pretty standard for most of us. This, along with the pending domestic chores, if you run a house.
However, in the times of coronavirus, when every health advisory prescribes avoiding crowded places with some state governments even asking cinema halls and malls to remain shut, staying indoors is perhaps the only and best option.
However, this staying home need not be boring. Here are five not-so-boring things you can try doing over the weekend:
Streaming to the rescue
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Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar and other streaming platforms have ensured that there’s no dearth of entertainment to binge on. Steven Soderbergh’s 2011 sci-fi thriller Contagion, which shows the rapid spread of an unknown virus (life eerily imitating art), is already making it to many cinephiles’ reviewing list. Want to convince yourself you are safe at home? Go watch it!
If you are not an apocalypse junkie, fear not. These streaming services have enough options to keep you glued in for the entire weekend.
Go grab that book
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When was the last time you read a book cover to cover? You have that entire pile of books staring back at you every day, but work, deadlines and other commitments (all great excuses!) have kept you away from them. This weekend, you can pick a book from that pile and read it. Who knows, this may be a turning point of your re-birth as a reader?
And, if you are keen on reading books on/about pandemics, you have plenty of bestsellers to choose from—Stephen King’s The Stand, Dean Koontz’s The Eyes of Darkness, among others.
Cook up a storm
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Wanted to bake a cake but never got around to doing it? Dreamt of making that perfect pasta for the family (and win their love) but settled for that mediocre meal that the cook left on the table? This weekend, bake that cake, make that pasta or just cook anything that lifts your mood or keeps you warm in these times of cold and flu.
Spend good times with family and pets
Photo: Shutterstock
Hold your work-life balance cliché already and stop complaining that you don’t get to spend enough time with family and/or pets. This weekend, cuddle your dog, play with your cat and groom them (fortunately they are safe!). Or, get nostalgic after a pillow fight with your sister and share meals with your parents. Some of you may actually want to go for roll in the hay with your partner!
Catch up on your sleep
Photo: Shutterstock
Have a date with yourself—in bed. Ever tell yourself that you will spend an entire day just sleeping and doing nothing else? Now that you are not rushing out to meet friends or avoiding the shopping mall, you have ample time to catch up on the lost sleep through the weekend—although we hear just seven to eight hours is perfect. And, who knows, you may find that the Monday blues have vanished!