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Get Fit With This At-Home Routine
Skip the outdoors and work out while doing these everyday household chores
Cardiovascular exercises are a great way to improve the overall efficiency of your circulatory and respiratory systems. To achieve this, choose an activity such as walking, cycling, swimming, running or equipment-based exercises. They increase your heart rate and force your lungs to take in more oxygen.
However, sometimes outdoor activities are not an option, as we have learnt during the recent lockdown. Even otherwise, bad weather, spikes in air pollution levels or overcrowded parks can dampen your out-of-home workouts. However, you can manage great cardio regimens at home too by simply weaving in the right exercises into your daily activities and chores.
Always remember that every individual has a different endurance limit. Follow your body’s response and stop if the activity gets too stressful, you get disoriented, dizzy or feel faint.
Sweat It Out With Housework
Sweeping and mopping the floor is a good way to start your cardio routine. Bending, straightening up and squatting are all good ways to push up your heart rate. They also stretch the pelvic floor and strengthen the muscles of the lower body. However, anyone with a back or a knee problem should only opt for a standing position.
Make sure you are safe as you do this. Never bend forwards with your knees locked. Keep the knee and ankle aligned as you squat. Lift a bucket of water with your back aligned and avoid pitching your neck forwards in any position or during an activity.
Stretch the lower back after sweeping and swabbing. Place both hands on a table and lean forwards.
Stairway To Fitness
If you must step out, try taking the stairs for a healthier option. Now that protecting yourself from infections is paramount, it’s actually safer as well, as you avoid contact with a surface (think lift buttons, or sharing the lift with other people). Avoid holding on to the railings as you manoeuvre the steps. Make stair-climbing an interesting activity and add variety to your movements. For example, walk up a flight of stairs, run up the next, climb backwards in the next segment, run down again and finish it with knee-ups. Repeat for 20 minutes. You can make it a part of your routine, but be careful while practising it.
Stretch post your workout. Sit, let your heels hang off the step and feel the stretch in your calves.
Music Gets You Moving
Dancing to music videos can be an enjoyable alternative to traditional exercise. (Photo: Shutterstock)
If you live alone, dancing to music videos is an enjoyable option to stay fit. If reading is your passion, then find a way to stand while you read. You can even walk around your house while listening to audio books.