• Panel discussion - India's public health: Optimizing access and affordability towards a more reliable and responsive paradigm. Moderator Amrita Tripathi; Dr Randeep Guleria, Director, AIIMS; Dr Arun Gadre, SATHI–CEHAT; and Dr Mathew Varghese, St Stephens Hospital

  • Left to right: Vivek Khanna, Group CEO, India Today Group; Raj Chengappa, Group Editorial Director, India Today Group; Anupriya Patel, Union Minister of State, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; and Rohit Sathe, President, Philips India Healthcare

  • Panel discussion I - Technology as a transformational tool for healthcare. Can digital health be a change agent in dispensing better care in India? Moderator Dr Ambarish Satwik, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital; Surajit Nundy, Raxa; Dr Anthony Vipin Das, LV Prasad Eye Institute; and Dr Anil Suri, National Institute of Immunology

  • Trusted Hospitals Award Presentation – by Chief Guest, Ms. Anupriya Patel, Union Minister of State for Health & Family Welfare

  • Keynote address: Dr K Srinath Reddy, President, Public Health Foundation of India

Study Background

The profusion of choice today, in both private and public sectors, has been both good and bad for the consumer. Good, because quality choice really follows the coming of age of any industry and more so in healthcare.


The Survey, How It Was Done - The third Reader’s Digest Trusted Hospital survey features an exhaustive list of private hospitals from across seven Indian cities and in 15 specializations.