My War On Insomnia

'Get some sleep' is an unsparing parody for those struggling to catch a wink   

'Get some sleep' is an unsparing parody for those struggling to catch a wink   

A couple of years ago,the British government considered issuing official guidance telling people,of various ages, how many hours’ sleep they must achieve. This would have been a mistake. Didn’t they realize the reason people can get enough sleep is because they are so worried about getting enough sleep?

Already I spend most of the night in fevered calculation. “It’s now 2:20 a.m. and I went to bed at11 p.m., which means I’ve only had three hours 20 minutes’ sleep, and since I’m meant to have eight hours,that is a deficit of …”

For someone who is bad at arithmetic, this calculation involves the mouthing of numbers, the use of fingers, and the reciting of barely remembered multiplication tables,so much so that by the time I'm finished it is 15 minutes later,and I must start the whole calculation afresh.

Meanwhile, I don’t know what to do with my arms. Once you get into bed, you seem to have too many of them. I scrunch one under the pillow, pop another up over my head and still have a third and a fourth with nowhere to go. If there were a way of making them detachable, I might have a chance of nodding off.

The pillow, too, is all wrong.It’s too thin, but if I fold it double,it’s too fat. A scrunched-up arm,plus pillow, is about right, especially since I have arms to spare, but then my elbow goes numb and my head gets too hot.

I turn over, replacing the numb arm with a fresh one, which means I'm now facing the clock. Why do they make alarm clocks with such large, illuminated numbers? Couldn’t the government step in with some regulations on clock illumination?

It’s now 2:50 a.m., I’ve had no further sleep, and the alarm is set for 7:15 a.m., which means that if I went to sleep RIGHT NOW, my deficit would still be …

My God, mental arithmetic is difficult. How do people do it? Perhaps I should assume it’s already...

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