More Wasabi, Anyone?

There I was, all ready for a married life full of adventure. Unfortunately, it included the culinary kind! 

There I was, all ready for a married life full of adventure. Unfortunately, it included the culinary kind! 

A decade ago, when I said “I do” to my husband, my taste buds had the perfect chance to say, “Uhm, no, we don’t!” Unlike me, they weren’t love-benumbed and saw our predicament coming a mile away when he first said, “Let’s ditch rice and go for tandoori roti.” I mean, which button-down Malayali would voluntarily reach for a chewy, rubbery roti over the gooey comfort of rice? But love played the devil’s advocate. 

A few years passed, and my rice-agnostic husband graduated from rotis to other elseworld delicacies: dal-baati-churma, sattu ka paratha, litti-chokha. His excitement to share made me an unwilling partner-in-crime and so while I sat with my teeth stuck in a ball of baked dough, those gentle gastronomic reminders came rushing back. “It’s just the beginning,” it whispered. And guess what? I now know precisely why they say you should listen to your gut.

In the months that followed, my husband’s culinary experiments went south … erm, global. He would ramble on about the Middle-Eastern hummus, spanakopita-a Greek spinach pie, and that Mediterranean eggplant dip, baba ghanoush, as fondly as if he were talking about our firstborn. 

“Maybe your ancestors were of Greek or Turkish d...

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