I've lost a few friends lately. Autocorrect is to blame.

Double and Triple checks before pressing 'Send' can be your best bet against laugh riots and personal goof-ups!

Double and Triple checks before pressing 'Send' can be your best bet against laugh riots and personal goof-ups!

I recently expressed my respectful sympathy to a friend of mine. His father, 99, had passed away, and this is the text he got from me: ‘I’m sending you my deepest condoms.’ I was immediately unfriended and never heard from him again. It’s that evil genius who invented ‘autocorrect' that twisted the word. I am absolutely sure I typed ‘condolences’, I swear!

I remember years ago in my advertising career, we nearly lost a prestigious hotel client, because of a proofing error in a poster: ‘Our restaurant has a bra attached’. While we laughed hysterically for days, it wasn’t funny at all when all the posters for this new bar had to be reprinted. All because of a tiny typing error on a Remington.

But then came computers. And with Microsoft making steady advances with Word, their clever young techie, Dean Hachamovitch, decided he’d had enough typing ‘teh’ for the most common word in the English language. And invented a trick that would automatically correct itself to ‘the’ even if he mistyped it. And thus was born autocorrect.

So the next time, say, you inadvertently type ‘b’ instead of ‘t’ in the following message: ‘My boots are too big. Going to exchange them’; Dean’s corrective invention is designed to save you from death-by-embarrassment.

However, it soon took on a life of its own. It happened when phone texting technology got jealous of Google, which had made rapid advances with ‘autocomplete’ where it began to guess what we’re searching for, even before we thought of it. For instance one day, I declared, “This wretched cold! Let me look up common cold home remedies...” But as I typed ‘Com...’ I was taken at once to ‘Commonwealth nations geopolitical and environmental governance practices’ and within 45 minutes I became a veritable expert on this subj...

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