Everyday Life Lessons

Amusing mid-life lessons to unravel best-kept secrets  

Amusing mid-life lessons to unravel best-kept secrets  

Are there things that took you years to discover? It was only a decade ago that someone explained to me about the petrol tank thing. On the dashboard of your car, there’s nearly always a drawing of a petrol pump plus an arrow indicating the side of your car that houses the petrol cap.

Bingo. With various cars over 30 years, I’d tried to remember each time I drove in to fill up. I’d crane around, trying to spot it. I’d pull the petrol latch as I drove, hoping the door would spring into view.

It was all pointless. I’d always get it wrong, ending up with the hose pulled tight over the car, trying to stretch another millimetre out of the rubber tube so I could lever the nozzle into the tank.

That’s when I debate whether I should pull even harder on the hose(possible downside: a broken hose,petrol splashing everywhere, my own painful death through fire),or move the car.

Naturally, I never moved the car.Now, though, I know better. I glance at the ideogram, and, whistling a jolly tune, nose my car calmly into the right spot. Life is good. Why didn’t someone tell me earlier?Then, two years ago, I learnt how to clean silver with baking soda, aluminium foil and hot water. You have some tarnished cutlery or jewellery?No more scrubbing away with silver polish and an old toothbrush. The foil creates a chemical reaction in which all the tarnish instantly flees the silver and ends up on the foil.I don’t how it works, so don’t ask me. But you could clean all the silver in Downton Abbey and then,10 minutes later, be sitting in the butler’s pantry swapping stories about the lords and ladies upstairs.

Why isn’t there some sort of manual, given to all of us when we turn 18, explaining both these life lessons?When it comes to adding to the sum of human happiness, this information is better than designer clothes and first-class flights.

But, lo, what’s this? A t...

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