The Flu Vs COVID-19: Which Is Which?

How to tell if your symptoms mean you’ve caught the novel coronavirus

How to tell if your symptoms mean you’ve caught the novel coronavirus

With the novel coronavirus spreading across the world, governments and administrations are being compelled to take major steps to control this deadly outbreak. According to Anthony Fauci, director at the US-based National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a cure is still at least a year away and prevention remains the best form of containment.

COVID-19 has a troublesome prognosis and its wildfire spread can perhaps be attributed to the fact that for a large majority, symptoms of this disease are no different from the common cold or seasonal flu. Lack of recognition of the right signs mean necessary precautions, tests and treatments are not done in time. But, a few key criteria can help identify when to seek medical intervention for COVID-19.

Here’s how to tell the two apart:

“Conditions such as seasonal flu and the common cold affect a large number of people in a common geographical area and testing can help isolate and identify known flu viruses, after which treatment, such as the use of antivirals for swine flu cases, can be administered where needed,” says Dr Sandeep Budhiraja, group medical director, internal medicine, Max Healthcare, New Delhi.

“Typically symptoms of the flu involve sneezing and a blocked or runny nose, which do not occur so much in the case of COVID-19. Symptoms persist for a short period—around 3 to 5 days—and usually resolve themselves on their own or with simple home remedies and OTC medication. The novel coronavirus, however, is marked by a fever of 100ºF or above, dry cough and, most importantly, shortness of breath—a warning sign that the lungs are under attack.”

Among those who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, the elderly, anyone with a pre-existing condition that lowers immunity—diabetes, heart disease, kidney ailments—or people who are on immunity-suppressing medication are at risk of the dise...

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