The Benefits of Cuddling

Why touch is actually good for us

Why touch is actually good for us

As a result of COVID-19 precautions, many of us are part of this secondary epidemic: people who really need a hug. Fifty-four per cent of the 40,000 people who participated in the BBC’s Touch Test, a survey conducted in 112 countries, said they didn’t get enough physical interaction: an arm around the shoulder, a sympathetic touch or a long snuggle. And that was before the pandemic set in.

By April 2020, as COVID-related lockdowns were taking effect, that number increased to 60 per cent, according to a study published in the Medical Research Archives of the European Society of Medicine. It was true regardless of whether a person lived alone or with others. Health-care professionals have given a name to this condition that is affecting so much of society: touch starvation.

“We are born as cuddlers, and we never really outgrow it,” says James Cordova, a psychology professor and clinical psychologist at Clark University near Boston. Cuddling can be foot rubs, back rubs, hand-holding, laying your head on someone’s chest, sitting on a lap or side by side on the couch with legs touching, spooning or other types of loving touches—including hugs. It’s not for everyone, of course. Some people feel uncomfortable when others touch them, though nearly 90 per cent of participants in the Touch Test reported liking physical affection from their partners, and 79 per cent said they liked it when a friend touched them. That instinct to seek out human touch is more powerful than most of us realize.

And as it turns out, it’s good for our physical health. “Cuddling increases levels of oxytocin, the bonding hormone, and decreases levels of cortisol, the stress hormone,” says Dr Lina Velikova, an immunologist and assistant professor at Sofia University in Bulgaria. Those same hormones can affect your cardiovascular system, your sleep, and even your mental health.Adds Cordova: “Cuddling activates o...

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