Nothing to Sneeze At

Adult-onset allergies are on the rise. Here are some theories why

Adult-onset allergies are on the rise. Here are some theories why

The world is full of allergens from food, bugs, pollen, latex, drugs, mould and animals—for a start. Many of us assume that our susceptibility to them develops only during childhood, so if you’re allergy-free in your 20s, you’re in the clear. But researchers are discovering that it’s possible for adults of all ages to acquire allergies—even if they’ve never had one before.

In 2019, for the very first systematic study of allergies in adulthood, the Center for Food Allergy & Asthma Research (CFAAR) surveyed approximately 40,000 people and found that one in 10 were food-allergic. Half of those people, the survey revealed, developed at least one of their allergies after the age of 18.

“We were very surprised by the results,” says Ruchi Gupta, CFAAR’s director. Her team had long suspected, based on anecdotal evidence, that rates of adult-onset food allergies were rising, but they didn’t expect the number to be so high.

While CFAAR’s study primarily looked at food allergies, it also provides insight into other types since people with one type tend to have others. That’s because our bodies react in a similar way to them all: After exposure to a benign substance that the immune system mistakenly sees as harmful, antibodies cause cells to release chemicals such as histamine, which triggers inflammation. This is the body’s way of protecting itself from potentially dangerous substances.

But as a side effect, histamine brings on hives, watery eyes, nasal congestion and, for some severe cases, a drop in blood pressure, leading to anaphylactic shock.

While scientists don’t know for sure what causes new allergies to form in adults, Gupta’s team has identified some likely triggers. Exposure to a new environment could introduce new allergens to your system—which is why someone who just moved to a city where alder trees are common, might devel...

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