No Pills Required: How Physiotherapy Can Help

Can physiotherapy relieve aches and pains—and even prevent some surgeries?

Can physiotherapy relieve aches and pains—and even prevent some surgeries?

It was the prospect of being forced to give up cooking that made me try physiotherapy. My hands and wrists had ached ever since I’d binged on note-taking by hand and on my computer in graduate school. I could still use a computer, but I had given up opening jars, my handwriting efforts had dwindled, and even chopping a single clove of garlic left my forearms throbbing with pain.

My doctor gave me a blood test to rule out rheumatoid arthritis, but she had no idea what to do next. My husband, Andrew, had been urging me for years to try physiotherapy—he had used it to recover from tennis-related injuries—but I assumed I had the kind of permanent damage that only painkillers or surgery could address. Still, I finally made an appointment with a physiotherapist.

The results are hard to exaggerate. I left that first session with a diagnosis of tendonitis and instructions for three stretches. The exercises were easy—in one, I simply touched my fingers to a wall and then lowered my palm to the wall 10 times—but they relieved so much muscular tension that I looked forward to my thrice-daily ritual. In weekly sessions at the clinic, my physiotherapist stretched my shortened muscles and added strengthening exercises to curtail future problems. I experienced some pain relief within days and a near-total return to normal after just two months.

I realized that physiotherapy can even treat long-term problems, and that I wasn’t looking at months and months of expensive treatment. In my case and in many others, appointments taper off rapidly once the problem is identified and at-home exercises begin.

Most people are familiar with physiotherapy’s role in recovery from accidents, treatment of sports injuries and stroke rehabilitation. But in recent years, the science of evaluating and treating issues related to physical function and movement has started to play a new role in health care. And it can preven...

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