Never Get Cancer

4 February is World Cancer Day. Here, top experts provide a fool-proof plan to stay protected.

4 February is World Cancer Day. Here, top experts provide a fool-proof plan to stay protected.

Cancer is caused when cells multiply and spiral way beyond control, spurred by a mutation (defect) in the genes. It can be inherited or triggered by physical factors (hormones or inflammation, for example), or even environmental influences such as harmful chemicals. However, experts say that only a small percentage of cancer is inherited. More often than not, the interplay between our lifestyle choices and environmental factors determine our risk of cancer.

Being well-informed and attuned to your body and the whys and wherefores of cancer can help you prevent it summarily. We have here critical information and insights about top cancers in Indian metros. Update yourself and build a defence plan with life-saving advice from experts.


Lung Cancer

Stub the butt already! "Smoking tobacco, in any form, is a major risk factor for lung cancer. Passive smokers are also at risk," says Dr Raj K. Shrimali, consultant radiation oncologist, Tata Medical Center, Kolkata. Avoiding tobacco smoke at any age significantly lowers the risk. "Other risk factors include diesel exhaust-even radon and asbestos (if working in an associated industry)," adds Shrimali.

LOOK OUT FOR persistent cough, hoarseness or wheezing, shortness of breath, sputum streaked with blood, weight loss and chest pain.

Diagnosis: X-ray, followed by a CT scan and a biopsy.

Rx: "Once diagnosed, it is classified into non-small cell and small cell lung cancer. The former is more common-surgery is suggested for early stages (I & II); radiation therapy and chemotherapy may be used after surgery to kill micrometastatic cells. These are also typically the first-line treatments, for advanced tumours when surgery isn't feasible," says Dr Ullas Batra, a consultant medical oncologist at Delhi's Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre.Targeted therapy with drugs such as erlotinib and crizotinib (for EGFR mutation) and gef...

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