Knocking Out Diabetes

Striking new studies show how you can control or even reverse this common disease

Striking new studies show how you can control or even reverse this common disease

If type 2 diabetes is left untreated, or not well managed, the consequences can be devastating. It risks damage to the blood vessels, heart, liver, kidneys and eyes. It can increase the risks of Alzheimer’s disease. It can lead to amputation, and even death.

But there is hope. Experts say that the numbers of type 2 diabetes cases are so high and climbing so fast due largely to our modern diet; this means the disease and its severity are mostly within our control. Recent research has found that with attention to lifestyle and diet alone, these numbers can be reduced, and future cases prevented. In some cases, we could even be able force the illness into remission.

Here is the latest research on type 2 diabetes and diet. There are some actions you can take to help reduce your chances of developing it, and if you have already been diagnosed, how to maintain control.

What It’s All About

It starts with sugar. Cells throughout your body need it, in the form of glucose, as fuel in order to function. But for the glucose to get past the cells’ membranes, it needs a ‘key’ to get in. Insulin is that key. When a person has type 2 diabetes, their body produces enough insulin, at least at first (unlike in type 1 diabetes, when the pancreas fails to produce much or any insulin). But though they produce insulin, their body is ‘resistant’ to it. The insulin key doesn’t work. The cells have trouble recognizing insulin and resist the call to open up. When glucose can’t get where it’s needed, it circulates in the blood, acting as an inflammatory agent, slowly, relentlessly causing damage.

How Can I Have Diabetes?

Although Michael at first ignored his increased hunger and thirst, some weeks later he began getting dizzy, and decided to see his doctor. His diagnosis: type 2 diabetes. And his was a serious case. His blood glucose level, tested aft...

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