#HealthFix: Top Ways To Boost Your Health And Wellness

The benefits of taking breaks, how to reduce chances of getting urinary tract infection, and more

The benefits of taking breaks, how to reduce chances of getting urinary tract infection, and more

Break in 20

Don’t be seated at a stretch for hours, take a walking break every 20 minutes to reduce your body’s levels of glucose and insulin after eating, says a study published in the journal Diabetes Care. Of the 19 study participants—overweight adults who didn’t exercise much— those who took a two-minute break to move about every 20 minutes post-meal, reduced the total rise in glucose by an average of 24 per cent, compared to sedentary people. After a meal, glucose levels in the blood go up, followed by insulin spike. Sitting stops the muscles from contracting. This muscle disuse hinders the body’s metabolic processes, explain the researchers. Set the alarm.

Chicken Check

The misery that is a urinary tract infection occurs when bacteria from the intestines enter the urinary tract. Research from McGill University suggests that the bacteria causing these infections may come from contaminated food—particularly chicken. You can reduce your risk with proper kitchen handling. Make sure that your chicken is well done when you are cooking it and check package directions with cold cuts.

Iron Up

Iron is required to carry oxygen to different parts of your body. Nearly 50 per cent of Indian women have some form of iron deficiency. Symptoms include being tired, pale, cold and feeling dizzy, and trouble concentrating. Certain shellfish and meat, dark green leafy veggies, liquid jaggery (molasses), walnuts, raisins, dates, pulses and chickpea are good sources of iron. Vitamin C-based foods aid iron absorption so include salads with oranges, tomatoes, capsicum and lemon in your diet. To boost your iron intake, cook foods in an iron skillet rather than using non-stick cookware.

Take a Food Pause

Fasting, a cultural practice, is getting a thumbs up from scientists across the world. Studies suggest that M...

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