#HealthFix: Tips to Improve your Wellness Quotient

How to get more from your food, increase your bone strength, and more

How to get more from your food, increase your bone strength, and more


Get a Whole Lot from Food

A healthy and varied diet helps maintain good health. A great way to get started is by introducing whole foods into your diet. Whole foods are those that are unprocessed and unrefined, but ready for consumption. They typically do not contain added ingredients, such as salt, carbohydrates or fat found in processed foods. Also processing causes a loss of up to 66 per cent of B vitamins and 70 per cent of all minerals on an average. With most nutrients lost, refined food then essentially contain simple carbohydrates leading to empty calories.

Advantages of eating whole foods:

  • Eating wholegrains slows down the digestive process, thereby allowing better absorption of nutrients.
  • Fibre, particularly soluble fibre, slows the absorption of sugar, hence helping regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics.
  • Soluble fibre found in beans, oats helps in lowering bad cholesterol and reducing blood pressure.
  • Whole foods have strong anti-oxidant properties to help protect the body against free radicals and help break down carcinogenic substances.
  • A high-fibre diet helps in normal bowel movements and lowers the risk of developing hemorrhoids and diverticulitis (a digestive disease occurring in the large intestine).
  • If you eat whole foods, you are less likely to be overweight. This is because you feel fuller eating less and a high-fibre diet improves your metabolism and digestion.

Follow the ‘farm-to-plate’ theory, which means having more fresh, in-season fruits and vegetables, preferably straight from the fields. Grow your own, it’s economical and fun too. Vegetarian options of whole foods include fresh vegetables and fruits; wholegrains like unpolished brown rice, wholewheat, oats, ragi, rye, etc.; legumes like chickpeas, kidney beans, whole pulses; nuts and seeds.

Preserve Bone Density

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