#HealthFix: Simple Tips To Improve Your Health And Well-Being

Effective ideas for a better life

Effective ideas for a better life

Is Your Heart Angry?

Turn down your emotional thermostat to save your heart. Research done by Harvard School of Public Health found that within two hours of an angry outburst, a per­son’s risk of heart attack increased nearly five-fold and their risk of stroke rose nearly four-fold. The risks were highest in people who got angry more often and had existing risk factors, such as heart problems or high blood pressure. Why? Because getting angry changes our physiology: It increases heart rate and breathing and constricts blood vessels, raising blood pressure. It also makes blood clot more readily. When you do get angry, don’t smoulder. Take a walk, talk to a friend, take a few deep breaths and let it go.

Herbal Cure

Include ashwagandha in your daily diet (available at local pharmacies in powder or capsule form). This super-herb stimulates the activation of the immune system cells (lymphocytes), counteracts the effects of stress and promotes general wellness. It is particularly helpful for stress-related disorders such as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, and premature ageing, and is also a powerful anti-inflammatory. It helps treat sciatica pain as well.

Steam the Beets

Raw beets are high in betanin, a powerful plant pigment and antioxidant that can halt free-radical damage and may even stop the growth of tumour cells in the stomach, colon, lungs and nervous system. Lightly steam beets to retain more of its cancer-fighting powers as betanin is highly sensitive to heat and intense cooking methods such as boiling or roasting destroy its benefits. Steam the beet, chop it, add onions, tomato, salt, green chilli and lemon, and you have a delicious salad in minutes.

Post-dinner Workout

The best time to strength-train is ... after dinner! A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that strength-tra...

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