#Health Fix: Quick Tips To Boost Your Mind & Body

Perks of running, how to manage migraine, and more

Perks of running, how to manage migraine, and more

Your Body on Running

One workout, a zillion benefits: Here are just a few of the amazing things you are doing for yourself each time you pop in those earbuds and go.

  • Mood: Even a slow 30-minute jog has been shown to lift mood and ward off stress.
  • Longevity: Research sug­gests that just an hour a week can extend lifes­pan by an average of 3 years.
  • Sleep: When study participants logged 30 minutes a day for 3 weeks, they fell asleep faster and stayed asleep longer.
  • Heart: People who averaged 9.5 km a week lowered their risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 45%.
  • Weight: Running at 9.5 KMPH for 30 minutes 5 times a week burns 340 calories. That amounts to a loss of 12 kilos in 1 year.
  • Memory and Focus: Research shows that 30 minutes a day 4 times a week protects the area of the brain responsible for memory and helps boost concentration and focus.
  • Metabolism: A regular routine expands lung capacity and increases blood flow, which results in better metabolic function.
  • Diabetes: Thirty minutes a day 5 times a week reduces diabetes risk by 12%.

Eat to Live Longer

Talk about being the fountain of youth. Omega-3 supplements seem to slow the ageing process by lengthening telom­eres, found researchers at the Ohio State University. Telomeres are caps at the end of chromosomes that shorten with age. This may unravel the DNA spelling bad news for your cells. The study also found that Omega-3s lower inflammation levels. What does this mean for you? Reduced risk for health conditions associated with ageing like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease. So how much do you need? In the study, participants took a supplement containing 2.5 g or 1.25 g of active Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Good food sources include fatty fish such as sardines, tuna, salmon and mackerel; canola ...

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