Fighting Fatigue

The first step is observing yourself in order to discover its cause

The first step is observing yourself in order to discover its cause

You don’t want to get out of bed and, once you finally do, you can’t find the energy to exercise. During the day, you lack the ability to concentrate on anything. Just like paper cuts and bad dreams, fatigue happens to everyone at some point. It’s a common ailment, reported by as many as one-third of people visiting their primary care physician.

In many cases, fatigue is a normal response to life circumstances: stress, a change in sleeping patterns, a heavy workload. Since we can’t always avoid these things, Dr Tom Declercq, a professor of medicine at Belgium’s Ghent University, suggests giving yourself more rest than usual during these times to restore energy levels. “It’s very important to listen to your body when it’s asking for more sleep,” he says.

But here’s the tricky thing: Although fatigue can often be resolved with additional rest and lifestyle changes, it can also be a symptom of something more serious. Declercq recommends people visit their family physician if they notice any other physical changes along with feeling tired, or if their fatigue persists for more than two weeks after making lifestyle changes.

When speaking to a doctor, describing your experience of exhaustion in detail is essential for helping him or her to identify an underlying cause. Although fatigue is generally defined as a lack of energy and motivation, this can manifest as physical, mental or both. Some questions you could ask yourself before an appointment: Do you not feel refreshed even after a long night’s rest? Do you find it hard to focus on projects? Do you tire quickly when physically active?

Fatigue accompanied by a fever may indicate infection, while dizziness could be a sign of anaemia. Laboured breathing may be suggestive of heart disease. If you feel sadness or nervousness, depression or an anxiety disorder might be causing your fatigue, it could be improved by taking an ...

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