Peer Pressure

See a parent behaving badly? Here's when and how to step in

See a parent behaving badly? Here's when and how to step in

Sophie Caruso's* young cousin got spankings. Sure, they were the kind she and the child's father, who were raised like siblings, received when they were growing up-swats on the rear that didn't leave marks. At family gatherings where Caruso would see her cousin and his wife, she'd often witness seven-year-old Devon* getting smacked in situations that struck the Toronto, Canada, mother of two as typical kid squabbles. "I'd cringe. But I felt like it wasn't my business and that saying something could damage our relationship forever," she says.

One day, the two moms were discussing parenthood in general, and the conversation turned to the effectiveness of different discipline strategies. Sensing she had an opening, Caruso said, "I've never spanked my kids, but yours aren't any better behaved than mine."

"There was this silence for a minute, and then I felt a shift," she says. "I think there was almost a eureka moment that corporal punishment does not make for a better-behaved child." Caruso hasn't seen Devon get a spanking since.Judy Arnall, a certified parenting educator and author of the forthcoming book Parenting With patience, says it's best to proceed with caution when it comes to ssessing others' styles. "Parenting is dear to people's hearts, and it's a real minefield," she says.

Because there are so many different approaches, it's inevitable that we'll witness tactics employed by close friends, family and stran-gers that we wouldn't use ourselves. Most of the time, we should leave he situation alone, but much depends on how well you know the person and how easily they might get offended, says Arnall. Let's say a close friend can't seem to get her children to listen, and they often behave rudely to her in front of others. "I would feel them out by saying something like, 'Does that bother you when your children act that way?' If they seem open to it, you could offer some solutions," she says.

Strangers we see interacting with the...

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