The Success Code

A Reader's Digest article on Michael Dell had fired his imagination. Today, he is a major innovator in the Silicon Valley.

A Reader's Digest article on Michael Dell had fired his imagination. Today, he is a major innovator in the Silicon Valley.

Bangalore in the '80s was still wrapping its head around computers. For some people, these were scary new things; no one knew if these devices would destroy livelihoods or build them. I came from a regular middle class family where books and magazines like Reader's Digest were a part of growing up. But computers fascinated me, and I started writing programs by the time I was 10. I will always remember the time I sketched something using Logo, an educational language for drawing on a screen through simple programming commands. What struck me, and the feeling stays with me even today, was the sense of personal connection-of my ability to write code, to see what I created and to feel that sense of ownership and success. It gave me a sense of control over something as complex as a computer. Given the ambiguity surrounding these devices, the fact that I could tell them what to do was pretty empowering. My parents didn't think twice about sending me to an out-of-school course to learn more about programming.

I was heavily inspired by stories of technology innovators like Bill Joy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, Microsoft's Bill Gates and Steve Jobs of Apple. Then [in 1994] I read an article in Reader's Digest on Michael Dell, founder and CEO of Dell Inc. His entrepreneurial story that started with selling subscriptions to a local Houston newspaper was super inspiring. At that time, middle-class kids in India were not familiar with the culture of delivering newspapers or milk to earn money. But Dell's story certainly made an impression. It lit that entrepreneurial spark and, years later, when I was in my 20s, I had to decide whether to go down that path or not. I remember thinking that I was about the same age Dell was when he created his own company [Dell registered his company in 1984 when he was 19].

I graduated from R. V. College of Engineering, Bangalore, in 2003. Then, while working in Yahoo, I led the Yahoo Hadoop MapReduce team in Califor...

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