Kindness Saves The Day: Instances Of Awe-Inspiring Generosity

Reader's Digest readers share their experiences of having witnessed or experienced unexpected acts of utter generosity from close quarters

Reader's Digest readers share their experiences of having witnessed or experienced unexpected acts of utter generosity from close quarters

The Feast

‘Mother Serious. Start Immediately’, said the express telegram, throwing our entire house into pandemonium. My mother began wailing, while my father began delivering quickfire instructions to my two brothers and me to pack for the six-and-a-half-hour journey to our village in Rajoli, Andhra Pradesh.

At 12, 11 and nine years old, we boys were too young to sense the mood, and rejoiced at the unexpected holiday. After a long bus ride to Kurnool, and another to Sunkesula, we had to cross the river Tungabhadra to reach our destination. During summers , we would cross the river by foot, but on this day the river was full and there were no dinghies to ferry us across.

Clearly we were stranded, unable to move forward or go back home. The only structure in the vicinity was an old inspection bungalow—a large single-storeyed government building—a prominent landmark in an otherwise isolated area. Its doors were locked. My brothers and I remained oblivious to our predicament—we played in the garden in front of the bungalow, until hunger and fatigue overtook us.

By dusk, our father was a worried man, with little clue about our next move. As the day grew darker, we spotted a lone man walking towards us. His name was Raju and he was the bungalow watchman. As Father narrated our plight, he let us into the building without asking questions and asked us if we had had anything to eat all day. The three of us shook our heads glumly. Raju then set off to the riverbank with a towel, where we watched in fascination as he caught a couple of fish using it as a net, made a fire and started cleaning and cooking the catch. He added salt, a pinch of turmeric, chilli powder and tamarind to the stew, and prepared jowar rotis as it simmered.

It was a meagre meal by most standards, with minimal, precious seasoning, but Raju’s kindness and selfless generosity made it a feast I’ve never fo...

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