Growing Up Gifted

Meet eight smart kids who are making an impact

Meet eight smart kids who are making an impact

There simply isn't a single way to define or gauge intelligence. Smartness in kids is a sum of different cognitive abilities not just IQ. It spans across multiple areas: kinetic, musical, spatial, linguistic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal and intrapersonal. We often forget this and tend to benchmark children based on their grades in class. This Children's Day, let's take a peek into the world of young, forward-thinking and highly intelligent girls and boys who not just show great promise but are already achievers. They are here as much for their high smarts, as they are for their wisdom, talent, creativity, social consciousness, foresight, bold ambitions and the ability to put others before themselves -- a quality that often eludes grown-ups. Meet the artist, the writer, the app/website creators, the inventor, the grand master, the space innovators -- and the girl with the perfect IQ test score.

Shorya Mahanot was four when he finally managed to sneak into his sisters' room. They were the artists in the family and he had never been allowed inside. That day, he was ecstatic colouring with real paint, not the crayons they always handed him. Caught while trying to sneak out, he ran to his room, scared. Instead, Shorya got a big hug. His family had never seen art like this before -- there were shades of Jackson Pollock -- and his father, Aditya, was beyond excited.

At 10 going on 11, Shorya has created over 100 works in acrylic, some canvases bigger than his tiny frame. One of the world's youngest abstractionist, with several solo exhibitions under his belt, he has participated at the Artexpo in New York and Microsoft's Future Decoded in Mumbai, selling paintings worth $46,000 in all. He's also a featured artist at the Holtzman Gallery in ...

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