13 Things You Should Know About Time Management

Time is running out! Catch up.

Time is running out! Catch up.

1. Turn off your notifications. Lois Kennedy, productivity expert at Toronto's 3 Step Results Inc, advises setting aside a couple of time slots each day for e-mail and social media accounts, to minimize distraction.

2. Work less. Kennedy says long hours can actually derail productivity. If you're not allowing yourself enough "me time," you're possibly not doing your best work. Pencil a bit of non-work into your schedule and you'll find yourself less inclined to fritter away work time.

3. Set incremental deadlines for long-term tasks, especially gruelling ones. It's easier to start a project when you see it as a series of smaller ones rather than one never-ending assignment.

4. Group meetings together to allow for longer stretches of work time before and after. You'll avoid wasting an afternoon broken into bits of time too short to be useful.

5. Stay calm. Rushing through your to-do list can actually cost you extra time. As the old saying goes, haste makes waste. If you relax and think things through, your blood pressure and boss will thank you.

6. Make every minute count. If there's a flight or waiting room in your future, use that time to catch up on e-mail or read status reports.

7. Break up your day. Divide your time into periods of focused work, such as research, and engaged work like replying to e-mails. Toronto productivity consultant Clare Kumar recommends allotting 60 to 90 minutes for focused blocks and roughly 30 minutes for engaged periods.

8. Set boundaries to help you focus. If you work in an office, let your colleagues know you're not up for chatting by putting on headphones or closing your office door if you have one.

9. Get started in the morning by preparing your to-do list the night before. Write down three or four things you'd like...

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