Needy Naps, Justice league,Strip and Search, Unending Love and More

Round-up of crazy, wacky tales from around the country 

Round-up of crazy, wacky tales from around the country 

Facing the heat

At the start of this month’s round-up of strange goings-on,we take you back to school. In a viral video shot in Katarwa Government Primary School, in Bettiah,Bihar, our antagonist—identified by Navbharat Times as a certain Babita Kumari—was in a deep afternoon slumber while her students awaited her eventual awakening. Of them, one, presumably, long-suffering pupil can be seen fanning her dormant educator. As righteous rage coursed through the internet, pat came the teacher’s defence: she was feeling under the weather. We wish both her—and India’s public education system—a speedy recovery.


Current affairs

Exemplifying how revenge is a dish best served cold, we have lineman Bhagwan Swarup from Uttar Pradesh. Swarup was cruising along on his bike, when he was pulled over by policeman Modi Singh and asked to present his registration papers.Pleading his case, he suggested that as he wasn’t carrying them on his person, he would rush home, and swing by the police station with them. Singh didn’t budge and fined him`500. Peeved by the perceived injustice, Swarup countered by cutting off the Hardaspur police station's power supply.When questioned by the press, Swarup alleged that the police station was using electricity illegally—the station didn't have an electric meter—and he was simply stepping into lay down the law.


What a frock-us!

Rajasthan Police aspirants, were in for a ‘dressing down’ as they turned up to take the recruitment exam. In an attempt to crack down on the supposedly rampant cheating in these parts, the security personnel stationed at the Bharatpur district exam centres took to snipping off sleeves and making male candidates strip down, lest they be concealing cheating aids. Tales of such ‘st...

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