It's a Medical Miracle! Men Don't Need Doctors!

Why the Man in your life won't ever go to the doctor?

Why the Man in your life won't ever go to the doctor?

 Why, oh why, is it so difficult to get rope bucking, struggling men to see their doctors? Wives, daughters and sisters wish to know! It is an age-old quandary, confirmed all over again by recent research from the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, which reports that 65 per cent of men “tend to wait as long as possible to see their doctor if they have any health symptoms or an injury.” In my house, the scenario generally plays out like this:

“Ambrose, your head is falling off.”

“Oh, is it?” Cursory glance in the mirror. “Yeah, I guess so.”

“Well, don’t you think you should go to the doctor?”

“I should, for sure.”

Two days later: “Ambrose, your head remains connected to your neck by one sinew. Did you phone the doctor yet?”

“Oh, uh, no. I was going to, but I had to go to the hardware store to get some widgets to fix that old paintshaking machine I found in the basement. It could be useful.”

“Well, why don’t I make an appointment for you?”

“Yeah, okay, that would be great. Thanks.”

One week later, addressing husband’s fallen-off head on basement floor:

“Ambrose, did you go to the doctor this morning?”

“No, I rescheduled. I had to download a live recording of Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells from 1973 and it took longer than I expected. There’s something wrong with our server. We should switch providers.”

“So, when are you going to go see the doctor?”

“Well, either next Tuesday, if I can, or I was thinking, maybe, never.”

My husband successfully avoided the dentist for 14 years until his jaw started exploding with pain, forcing him to go for one visit. I had to drop everything to drive him, after which he never went back, preferring to grit his t...

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