Bring Back the Handkerchief!

I have used a pocket handkerchief all my life—and was ridiculed for it. Now, my habit has found its moment

I have used a pocket handkerchief all my life—and was ridiculed for it. Now, my habit has found its moment

The text from my son said it all: “Dad, there’s an article you were born to write that the world is finally ready for: Bring Back the Handkerchief!”

As my son knows, there’s no “bring back” for me. For me, the handkerchief never left.

My mother raised me with several fixed rules. One was that a gentleman always has a clean handkerchief in his right rear pocket, a piece of simple cotton, roughly 15 inches square and less than four inches when folded. I was a dutiful son, but I can recall being a ten-year-old on the school playground, feeling the padding directly over my butt and wondering what it was there for. Time would tell.

Every night for most of my life, I have removed from my trousers the items I’m going to need the next day—keys, wallet and hankie, if it’s still unused. After 60 years, I am like the princess in ‘The Princess and the Pea’. My body weight feels wrong if I’m heading out of the house with an empty back pocket.

I am sure this habit has sometimes struck friends and colleagues who’ve noticed it as a little quaint, but in polite company nobody comments on somebody else’s trivial eccentricities. That rule of behaviour, of course,did not apply to one’s children in the late 20th century. When my three kids were growing up, they all let me know whenever they could that my hankie was as ridiculously old-fashioned as a top hat and a walking stick. They had their arguments. If you have to be prepared every day for allergies or a cold, why not tote a little packet of tissues, which saves you from that disgusting business of blowing your nose in the thing and then stuffing it back in your pants?

Point taken—especially in the time of COVID-19. But a cotton handkerchief is a lot more durable than tissue,creates no waste, and has a far wider variety of uses. One reason my kids saw that handkerchief so often is becau...

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