Your fearless functional fitness plan

Improve your balance, flexibility, and strength with this workout. We promise, these refreshing moves will make you fall in love with going to the gym.

Improve your balance, flexibility, and strength with this workout. We promise, these refreshing moves will make you fall in love with going to the gym.

Every few months, it pays to revamp your workout. Not only is it a great way to bust a workout plateau so you continue getting results, but it also keeps boredom away. This plan by Shwetambari Shetty, a 35-year-old Bengaluru-based fitness trainer, will do more than just get you losing inches. The plan focusses on boosting functional fitness. She explains: "Whether you are lifting your toddler, climbing a set of stairs, or lugging a suitcase, your body is performing complex movements. Any form of training designed to improve these movements is called functional fitness." It'll help prevent injury, develop your strength, enhance quality of life and ensure you remain independent well into your retirement years.

To keep things dynamic (and more fun), we added on a few bits of equipment. Do each move for 10 to 12 repetitions before going on to the next move. For best results do it every alternate day so your body has time to recover between sessions.

Barbell Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Squat down by bending your knees and pushing your glutes back as you reach for the barbell. Keep back flat, chest up, and head aligned with the spine. Grip the barbell
with both hands. Find the right position by sticking your thumbs out so that they meet each other at the very centre of the bar.

(a). Stand up, keeping your arms straight as you pull the barbell off the ground. Next, pull the barbell up so that it comes in line with your collarbone

(b). Gently lower down and repeat. Always keep the bar close to the body.

MAKE IT EASY: Beginners can do this with a PVC pipe to get the form and technique right. Once you feel confident and ready to make things a bit more challenging, graduate to the barbell and add light weights.

BENEFITS: It strengthens the glutes, a hamstrings, and lower back.

Wall Ball Shots

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