What Experts Want You To Know About Face Masks And COVID-19

Are face masks only for the sick? Can I wear one mask multiple times? Will any mask do? Experts answer FAQs about face protection during the COVID-19 pandemic

Are face masks only for the sick? Can I wear one mask multiple times? Will any mask do? Experts answer FAQs about face protection during the COVID-19 pandemic

Why do we need masks?

“Current evidence suggests that the SARS-CoV-2 virus enters the human body in two ways. The first is when virus-laden droplets are released into the air by an infected person while coughing, sneezing or simply talking, and are then inhaled by a bystander. Secondly, virus-laden droplets land on a surface (table, counter top, light switch or the ground), is touched by hand and transferred to the eyes, nose or mouth into one’s body, explains Dr Sundeep Salvi, director of Pulmocare Research and Education Foundation in Pune. “So the need for face masks is two-fold: To protect oneself from inhaling the virus released by an infected person and to protect others from receiving the virus you may have released.”

Are face masks only for those who are sick?

There seems to be some contention among whether masks should be worn by everyone or only by COVID-19-positive people and their caregivers. Says Salvi, “If you are a corona-infected patient you must certainly wear a mask. Every time you cough or sneeze, around 5,000 droplets are released into the air, and can reach up to 2 metres away. So anyone who has COVID-19 or is treating and caring for a COVID-19 individual, must wear a mask,”

However, there are many people who are aymptomatic, which means they may have caught the SARS-CoV-2 virus in their system but are not showing any symptoms of the disease. They are likely to spread the disease to others and so face masks and gloves are a good protective measures for everyone, especially when they step outside or are in public spaces.

The WHO guidelines on use of face masks (updated 6 April 2020), however, stipulate that masks alone may not be enough and healthy people who wear masks could still catch the virus: “The use of a mask alone is insufficient to provide an adequate level of protection, and other measures should also be adopted.&rd...

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