Does Exercise Help You Learn Better?

A new Dutch experiment shows that working out a few hours after learning something new maximizes the brain boost.

A new Dutch experiment shows that working out a few hours after learning something new maximizes the brain boost.

Exercise eases the learning curve

A new Dutch experiment shows that working out a few hours after learning something new maximizes the brain boost. Subjects who hopped onto a stationary bike four hours after a learning session retained more information than those who biked right away and those who didn't exercise at all. Physical activity helps the body produce catecholamines, natural compounds that may improve memory consolidation if released at the right time.

Washed out

The US Food and Drug Administration recently banned 19 ingredients-like triclosan and triclocarban-in anti-bacterial soaps and hand washes. The FDA says that these ingredients have not been found to be more effective than plain soap and water, and may even cause bacterial resistance and hormonal effects. The ruling doesn't apply to hand sanitizers and hand wipes, or antibacterial products used in hospitals. The FDA says that washing your hands with plain soap and running water is your best bet against sickness and germs.

Avoid this diabetes scam

The US FDA has issued warning letters to 15 companies for selling unapproved products claiming to treat or cure diabetes. Watch for fraudulent medicines on websites and so on, particularly those sporting claims such as 'Replaces your diabetes medicine' or 'Natural diabetes cure'. These illegally marketed remedies may cause some patients to neglect legitimate ways of controlling diabetes, leading  to complications.

Nearly half of heart attacks are silent

Heart attacks don't always present with symptoms. An article in the American Heart Association's journal, Circulation, concluded that around 45 per cent of them go unnoticed initially. The damage is discovered only later, when patients undergo an MRI or an electrocardiogram during a check-up or after showing general signs of poor heart health. 'Silent' attacks triple the risk of eventually dying from heart disease, s...

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