Can't Head Out For A Spa Session? A Body Massager Can Help You Relax

Use it while watching a show on television or listening to your favourite music

Use it while watching a show on television or listening to your favourite music

For most of us, a body massage means checking into a luxurious spa once in a month to indulge in a relaxing session. However, with our hectic lifestyles and high-stress jobs, a once-a-month spa session may not be enough to rejuvenate our body and mind. Having a quality electric body massager at home, therefore, makes all the sense. It instantly reduces your stress levels. Here’s why a handheld electric body massager can be your companion:

1. A body massage (even if it’s quick DIY) not only helps relax the body and mind but also revs up your system to full active mode. This is because a massage helps improve blood circulation, reduces muscle tension, and stimulates the lymphatic system. The result—you are more energized and ‘awake’, both mentally and physically, to face a stressful day with calm.

2. Even a 15-minute body massage, twice a week, can help significantly reduce the production of stress hormones such as corticosteroids (LDL) and increase the production of “feel good” hormones such as endorphins, helping you feel relaxed.

3. It may surprise you, but regular body massages may also aid digestion. Stress is known to affect your digestion; a gentle massage around your stomach can fight indigestion and relax your abdominal muscles.

4. When it comes to improving your skin health, using a body massager can be quite beneficial. It works as an exfoliator, removing dead skin cells, to restore your skin’s natural glow.

5. The best thing about a handheld device is that it’s versatile and can be used anywhere. And you don’t even have to take out a lot of time for a massage. All you need to do is plug it in and use it while watching television, or listening to your favourite music or while resting. With a host of high-tech electric massagers to choose from, you can enjoy the benefits of a massage in the comfort of your home.



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