The Future of Jobs

Change is inevitable. Embrace it and look forward to the unimaginable with hope and wonder.

Change is inevitable. Embrace it and look forward to the unimaginable with hope and wonder.

As a science-fiction writer, one of the greatest challenges I face is writing a reality that's in any way stranger than the interesting times we live in now, with an additional burden: If reality doesn't make sense, why does fiction have to? At a time where technology is now leading us to fundamental alterations in every aspect of the world we inhabit, it's the job of sci-fi creators and futurists, as defined by author Charles Stross, to find systems that "mimic the patterns of the real world, and give us the chance to infer the intentions of the hidden manipulators. And that's why near-future SF remains relevant -- and dangerous -- in the 'post-truth' era."

The world we live in is not only tremendously more complicated than any of us were aware, it is going through multiple transformations at an ever-accelerating pace. But in these times if there's one message we should pay heed to, it's that of another great sci-fi writer, Douglas Adams: DON'T PANIC.

A short glance at what appears to be the near future might give us plenty to worry about: political instability and conflict all over the world, post-truth confusion, all of which distract us from the very real and unavoidable crises that will become more and more prominent over the next two generations. The first is climate change, which will require global cooperation and policy shifts to address. The second involves individual choices that will shape our lives even more intimately. How will we deal with the new industrial revolution that will sweep across the world, as automation changes the very nature of work and careers? What will we do when robots and AI [artificial intelligence] do a lot of the jobs that provide stable careers today? How will humanity in general, and you and I in particular, remain relevant? What will the jobs of tomorrow be in the first place, and how do we acquire the skills to get those jobs? Breathe. Don't panic.

Change is always difficult to deal with, and the g...

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