The RD Team Pays Tribute To Their Most Unforgettable Teachers

The RD staff shares chuckle-worthy anecdotes about their most memorable encounters with unforgettable teachers

The RD staff shares chuckle-worthy anecdotes about their most memorable encounters with unforgettable teachers


The Superhero Among Us

If you were to ask me whether I have ever encountered a real-life ‘superhero’, I’d probably look no further than my high-school mathematics teacher, whom we had nicknamed ‘Kaka’ (uncle), an intense, passionate man and strict disciplinarian. Long years of scribbling lessons and formulae on blackboards had stained his glasses white with chalk dust. For him, these glasses were a symbol of pride: Never did he wipe the glasses off. As for us, with each layer of dust accumulating over his glasses, we wondered how on earth he was able to write perfectly accurate theorems and solutions to tricky mathematical problems wearing an aid through which things were barely visible!

Over the three years we were under his tutelage in high school, Kaka revealed more and more of his X-men abilities, such as nailing the measurement of any angle simply by looking at it, or unerringly identifying the distance of a drawn margin from the paper’s edge without using a ruler. But his most astonishing bit of wizardry was probably in the way he disciplined class chatterboxes. Chalk in hand with his back towards us, he would execute a whipping 180-degree turn and in the same motion fling the piece of chalk towards the suspected mischief-maker. The chalk would hit the boy’s head—and by some miraculous skill—fall into his shirt pocket. The move would invariably be followed up by a cold, scary, death-stare.

Every student in class knew that curious mix of awe and dread—not only because of his ninja-level skills, but because he always the nabbed the guilty party, chalk-stained glasses be damned! Legend has it that this move w...

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