On a Clear Day

Those four words can be a traveller's boon or bane.

Those four words can be a traveller's boon or bane.

It is the nature of the footloose traveller to muse, to ponder, to introspect. As one of the tribe, I find myself thinking deeply about one set of four one-syllable words that hold in them much hope, despair and patience. 

On a clear day. This was the leitmotif of my travelling life. Wherever I went, whatever I saw, however happy I was to see what I saw, there was always someone in the vicinity who shook his or her head slowly, smiled in commiseration and began a brief monologue with "On a clear day ..." At the core of the monologue was all the wonders I was missing, of course.

A trip through Tuscany had us crossing what looked like snow-clad mountains. Not just the peaks, the whole range seemed covered in white. A closer look revealed that we were passing the mountains from where the famous Carrara marble, colours that ran the gamut from warm ivory to clotted cream, was quarried. I could have managed a great photograph, but alas it was a hazy day. And sure enough, the Italian next to me said, "Ah, on a clear day, the white of the marble would have dazzled you. You'll find it everywhere in the vicinity: statues, cathedrals, benches, sculptures, pavement, fountains." However, despite the pang that inevitably accompanies those who are not able to take an Instagram-worthy picture, I was able to shake it off and admire the statues, cathedrals, benches, sculptures, pavements, fountains instead.

At the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, it hit me harder. We'd made quite a few trips to the carmine-coloured marvel, but the infamous and all-too-frequent fog held strong and ensured---whenever we went, however long we waited---all we could see were the looming pylons of the magnificent structure. Sure enough, an American friend accompanying us uttered the mandatory words. Apparently, on a clear day, I could see the tallest bridge in the United States in all its stupendous detail, its rivets, its suspension cables, its roadway that flexe...

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