Feeling Burnt Out? Plan A Workation To Beat The Blues

Remote working options in scenic homestays, beach villas and wildlife retreats are offering harried office-goers a perfect balance between work and play

Remote working options in scenic homestays, beach villas and wildlife retreats are offering harried office-goers a perfect balance between work and play

In the classic fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty, a princess is cursed by a wicked fairy and, as a result, slips into a long, enchanted sleep. Happy endings aside, one wonders how the princess may have felt after being woken up from her long slumber, by the true love’s kiss. With the global situation as it stands, people across the country might relate to this classic story, now more than ever. For several months, a wily virus has led us into a state of enforced stupor and ennui, but unlike the princess in the tale, who woke up to a renewed, joyous world, our curse continues. Work-from-home responsibilities and handling daily household chores, all set against the backdrop of pandemic paranoia, employee layoffs, pay cuts and collapsing economies, have led to widespread burnout and fatigue.

Today, as lockdown restrictions ease, and after months of self-imposed isolation, the urge to break out is strong. But while travel and movement restrictions are lifted, our anxieties about COVID persist. However, there’s hope! Office-goers with a lust for travel could head to hotels, beach villas, home stays and wildlife retreats in India that are offering ‘workations’—a work/vacation combo—in scenic yet COVID-sterile settings. Special deals, stunning views, crisp, clear weather, nutritious meals, and a safe, hygienic environment make the workation model an attractive option for the COVID-weary.

Indeed, picturesque resorts offer seclusion amidst natural surrounds to help harried office-goers disconnect from the daily grind, think clearly and work better. Put together your marketing strategy as you gaze at a river while ensconced in a charming villa, a forest retreat or a mountaintop cottage. Unlike tightly structured office off-sites, workations help the creative juices flow, say hospitality professionals. In addition, Wi-Fi- connectivity in the rooms (and in some cases, public areas too), work desks, abundant natural light...

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