Cooking Gave Her A Sense Of Control In These Unsettling Times

An author saw cooking as a trap for Things Women Are Expected To Do. Then, something changed

An author saw cooking as a trap for Things Women Are Expected To Do. Then, something changed

For a lot of my life, I thought in terms of black and white. If you were this sort of person, you'd do these sorts of things. I found myself frequently surprised when people broke out of the lovely boxes I'd built for them.

Cooking fell into this polarity. I saw women on Bombay local trains, women going home to prepare meals, pulling fresh veggies out of plastic bags and then unfolding a chopping board, miraculously finding space in all that crowd, to start preparing a meal for their families. My father cooked large Show Off meals—sexy prawn curries and spicy fish—his face red as he leaned over the stove, a lot of orders being given at the same time for chopped onions and the knife, no, the good knife. “This is the curry of your life,” he'd say, finally when I served myself. Otherwise, my meals were a duality of the cook and my working mother, and since we all came home at different times of the day, I grew used to eating as solitary, something to do with TV or a book, and food as something not to think about but to consume while I did something else.

When I moved out as an adult, I saw cooking as a trap for Things Women Are Expected To Do. I did not want to be that sort of woman. I thought being learned in the domestic arts meant I would be failing my own burgeoning ambition. I didn't want to cook just because I was a woman, it felt like learning how to put together a meal would open a trap, which I had skilfully avoided so far and the moment I expressed an interest in cooking, then the whole world would say, “Wait, I knew you were a woman! Now come and be interested only in female things! Put aside your career and think about marriage!” Silly—but I hadn't even articulated these fears to myself, I just felt a vague dread. So when I cooked, for friends, maybe, or when I was bored of what was at home, I made a production out of it. I dirtied every single dish I c...

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