Confined In A New York High-Rise, Watching The City And Its People

In a post-corona world it’s hard to recognize the city, but then some things never change

In a post-corona world it’s hard to recognize the city, but then some things never change

New York City feels like a ghost town, deprived of the movement, bustle and unabashed glamour that lends it a magnificence. The flowers in window boxes that would declare the arrival of spring in April are missing. The bagel and kebab carts, and the life around them, on the pavements of its long avenues are gone. There are only police patrol cars and the occasional masked pedestrian. A silent gloom hangs over its clamorous neighborhoods, reaching high up to the residences several floors above the ground.

Ever since I arrived here, I noticed in awe its position in the global networks of mobility, surging with travellers from across the globe. The cosmopolitanism that I came to acknowledge as New York’s signature trait, wasn’t just defined by the breadth of its pull: For me, it vitalized both the struggle and the thrill of living in New York and reshaped my inner world.

Confined to my ratty apartment in uptown Manhattan, this expansive imagination of the city I have come to call home, has transformed. Since late March the only sounds that have punctuated my time within my apartment have been ambulance sirens and helicopters, and the natural worry one feels when thinking about someone being rushed to their death in an ear-splitting vehicle.

As I write this, the city has crossed 11,800 deaths. In addition to this astounding figure is the New York Times’ estimate of more than 5,200 people who have died without being tested for the virus. The dot above NY on the ‘Cases’ maps is ominously large, like a seismographer’s alert to demonstrate the epicenter of a powerful earthquake. The city is paying for excelling at the one thing that enables the spread of infectious diseases— human mobility.

My once-a-fortnight runs to the grocery store have begun and ended in grim, masked queues extending into the next block. There is no conversation, no flirting and zero fashion visible. Standing in them,...

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