An Indelible Bond Of The Feline Persuasion

How a two-week cat-sitting favour created lasting memories and a change of heart

How a two-week cat-sitting favour created lasting memories and a change of heart

I was always a dog person until I was introduced to Mercedes the tabby, and Mio and Casper, the toms. I was entrusted the challenging assignment of cat-sitting these three 10-year olds (past middle age, in cat years), for two weeks, while living and working in Karlstad University in Sweden in 2015. At first, I was a bit perturbed. From all that I had heard about cats being selfish creatures, I wondered if I would ever be able to deliver the goods. But then I remembered Hans, a kitten from Trondheim, Norway, and the close and trusting bond we had shared and that settled it.

I had been asked to stay at the cat-owners’ place for the duration of my assignment, if I so wished, and my wife thought it was a good idea. The first day, all three seemed to be suspicious of me. I fed them, disposed of their litter and got to work. Soon, however, they began to look forward to my returning, and would mew in happiness hearing the key turn in the door-lock.

As our familiarity grew, I began to playfully bid goodnight to the cats, sometimes adding aloud in Swedish that I have to wake up at 7:00 a.m. I forgot to set the alarm on most nights, but faced no problems, because at exactly 7:00 a.m.—no exaggerations here—I would hear the sounds of gentle mewing and scratching outside my bedroom door. Opening the door, I would see Casper outside, looking up at me. Once, before retiring to bed, I said aloud that I had to wake up earlier the next morning, and the scratching started at 6:40 a.m.! When they stare at you intently listening, do they really understand and remember? Get a cat and test it out.

As the fortnight of responsibility neared its end, something odd started happening. While it was just Casper who used to scratch every morning, I began to hear three sets of claws accompanied by three distinct mewing sounds. Opening the door, I found Mio, Mercedes and Casper looking up, reminding me that not only had I to wake up and get ready and go ...

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