The Science (And Art) Of Getting What You Want

A neuroscientist explains how the brain can help you ‘make your own luck’

A neuroscientist explains how the brain can help you ‘make your own luck’

Have you ever had one of those days where everything goes brilliantly: from unexpectedly having time for a leisurely breakfast because you woke up before your alarm feeling really relaxed and awake, to finding a great deal on something you’ve wanted to buy for ages or being offered a brilliant opportunity at work? When this happens, we say: ‘It must be my day’, or decide we’re on a ‘winning streak’. Such opportunities appear to be random and out of our control. Or perhaps you know someone who is always ‘lucky’ … But I’ve come to understand how all of these ‘lucky’ moments are far from purely serendipitous: they are simply the law of attraction in action. Think about particularly ‘lucky’ or good things that have happened to you recently. A work opportunity seems like good fortune but why not consider it a reflection of your successful performance? A chance meeting with a new partner can feel more like a ‘golden ticket’ than the result of the conscious effort you’ve made to be open to meeting people and being in the right place at the right time. Life is not just happening to us; we are creating it with everything that we do. 

Despite the fact that we have all experienced this serendipitous phenomenon to some degree … it seems incredible to believe that ‘merely’ directing our energy towards our deepest desires and focusing our attention on this can help us ‘manifest’ our ideal life. These examples are rare occurrences and I certainly don’t advocate making a passive wish and expecting the rewards to come flooding in. But, a strong intention coupled with sufficient action can make these things happen … Often [they] don’t manifest because we don’t have the confidence to ask.

To commit to actively trying to ‘manifest’ our dream life may seem crazy. We fear it won&...

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