RD Review: Way to One's Hurt

Darlings, a breezy comedy, captures the raw realities of domestic violence

Darlings, a breezy comedy, captures the raw realities of domestic violence

The first spoken—or sung—words that we hear in Jasmeet K. Reen’s entertaining debut film are in the voice of an entitled man. “Hey darlings!” begins the song, “I loves you. You mad you. Please!” (Or “Pleej”, if you’re going for accuracy.) These disjointed pronouncements set up the somewhat caricatured nature of this story, where ungrammatical plurals stand for the way English is spoken in a particular milieu. But what is also evident at this early stage is that the male voice throughout the song is shifting registers: from cajoling and crooning like a regular Romeo laying on the treacle, to whimpering like a petulant boy who expects to get his way. In a black comedy made by women—Reen and writer Parveez Shaikh—about two women dealing with domestic abuse, there is something very believable about those changing tones, and how we experience them through the filter of the female gaze. This is a film where exaggeration and caricature will be put to the service of a very real social issue.

The foreshadowing can also be seen in the opening sequence where Hamza (Vijay Varma) is late for a meeting with his girlfriend Badru (Alia Bhatt), and tries to make it up to her with a teddy bear that carries a ‘Kaha Na Sorry’ sign. In itself, this is a cute scene featuring two lovebirds looking ahead to a bright future (he has just got a job in the Railways), but in hindsight signals a troubling pattern—a man gets drunk and beats up his wife at any pretext; then goes all ‘cootchie-cootchie’ ‘sorry-sorry’ in the morning, and the cycle begins all over again.

When we next meet Badru and Hamza, three years later, they are married and living in a chawl that is in some need of renovation, and where neighbours can hear him knocking her about almost every night.

She bears with it, as many victims of abuse—conditioned to believe there is no way out&m...

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