Model Reshma Qureshi Recounts The Horror Of Being Attacked With Acid In Shocking Detail

Even if I practised hard I could never again scream the way I did that day. Even the devil would cover his ears if he had heard me that day.

Even if I practised hard I could never again scream the way I did that day. Even the devil would cover his ears if he had heard me that day.

‘Reshma, my girl, it’s time to get up,’ said my mother, gently tapping me on the shoulder. ‘Five more minutes,’ I insisted.

I have never been much of a morning person. Unfortunately, on that day, I had no choice. The date, 19 May 2014, would prove to be significant for three reasons, and on that particular morning, I was still unaware of the third and most harrowing one.

My Alimah exam was today, and a crippling fear had me in its grips since the previous night. There was a strange foreboding in my chest and I was certain it was a warning that I would fail my exam. My panic clashed with another kind of excitement, a much happier one – my sister was going to pick Saufi up from the police station and bring him home today.

I ignored the voice in my head that tried to convince me to get back into bed for a final five more minutes. Not today, I told myself. I had worked far too hard for my Alimah exam and the promise of seeing my nephew in the evening meant that the day had to pass by as quickly as possible.

Looking back, I often wonder if this had been Mistake Number One.


It’s just an exam, I said to myself, as I finally left the bathroom after changing into Gulshan’s niqab. I had forgotten to ask Abba to bring my old niqab from Mumbai and had bought a new one, but I wasn’t going to wear it unless there was a special reason, so Gulshan had offered me one of hers.

I later wondered if accepting my sister’s niqab had been Mistake Number Two.

I stepped out into the living room where Gulshan was putting on her own niqab. ‘Hurry, Reshma, we’ll get late,’ she said, without a hint of anger in her voice.

I knew that her interest in being on time had little to do with my exam. But of course I did not mind. I was happy for my sister. I had witnessed her mapping out uncharacteristic ...

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