Laughing MATTERS

Humour connects us to one another. But how has what we find funny changed over the past 100 years?

Humour connects us to one another. But how has what we find funny changed over the past 100 years?

Making people laugh connects us to one another. But what humour endures? Forme, it’s personal life stories and experiences. Life, twisted and moulded until you find the funny, will always evolve, and therefore endure. I’ve found that the closer it cuts to the bone, the funnier it is. The beauty of life is that everyone is similar in some way. While we may not have the same experiences, everyone can relate to observations on life, family and the varieties of behaviour we all encounter every day as we go about life.Humour is helpful in one’s everyday life. It can end tense situations. In my life, humour has ended arguments at home and on too many working sets to mention. Finding the humour can break tension immediately. My dad was a rabbi, and he found humour so important during his sermons. It always broke the ice and brought the congregation together. At home, being funny brought the family closer.

Jerry Seinfeld once told me how his dad collected jokes in a box. He would write them down on cards so he wouldn’t forget them and then tell jokes at the dinner table. I could relate to that. My older brother Fishy used to bring home joke books and read them to me when I was 10 or 11 years old,and it had a great impact on me.

Why do we want to make other people laugh? I asked Judd Apatow this once and he said making other people laugh was “an instant way to know you think I’m OK.” That sounds about right to me. It’s a bonding experience.Laughter is good for your health. And most important is just being able to laugh at yourself.

Great comedians look at that prism of life in different ways. For instance,Chris Rock can tell a relatable story about life and it will be funny. It will resonate with the audience and Chris will get huge laughs. Steve Martin or Jerry Seinfeld will look at a similar observation in life and tell a very different story from a very different angle with a very different deliver...

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