What I Wish for India This New Year

We reached out to committed individuals who have made a significant contribution in their fields to bring to you their vision.   

We reached out to committed individuals who have made a significant contribution in their fields to bring to you their vision.   

We reached out to committed individuals who have made a significant contribution in their fields to bring to you their vision.


My wish list for the future has only one item on it: the disappearance of all religions from the face of the earth.

HARSH MANDER - Social worker and writer

I do hope that 2016 is a year in which the ordinary Indian will assert the idea of India as a country to which everybody, regardless of faith, caste, class, gender or sexuality, belongs equally. That it is a year where there is an assertion of equal humanity and citizenship of all people. And where none are children of a lesser God.

There is a growing assault on the already poorly developed framework of a social welfare state. I'd want to see the strengthening of public healthcare, education and social security. And, a universal old-age pension.

KARUNA NUNDY - Supreme Court advocate

I would like to see more deliberative democracy, more of us listening deeply to the 'other', learning to reason and make decisions together. With an unprecedented democratization of public speech, there's a tendency to shout down anyone who thinks differently. This is one planet and our lives on it our inextricably interlinked.

SHYAM BENEGAL - Film-maker

Self-sufficiency, or what we now call 'Make in India', has been talked about for some time. While the ambition endures, so does widespread poverty. And for people to be able to come out of it-they have to do it on their own-there are two preconditions: affordable and excellent education and healthcare for all.The responsibility, of course, lies with the State and cannot be left entirely to the private sector or NGOs. If people are educated, they will be able to look...

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