What Have We Become?

No more 'calmly sailing by'. It's time to rage.

No more 'calmly sailing by'. It's time to rage.

Who among us today, if we were born Hindu, does not have at least one relative or acquaintance who hates Muslims? Who among us does not have friends---those thought to be moral and humane---that have closed their eyes to the brutal amorality of the regime, seeing it instead as the political road to India's salvation? Will they be able to carry on unchanged now, after the people they voted in have sprung to the defence of the rapists and murderers of an eight-year-old? Will they fail even now to see that a girl of that age is but a child?

In the India where I grew up, the exploitative British regime was over, it was post-Nehru, a country peopled with liberal myths and socialist dreams. There were riots, the country did simmer, but in the end, it was agreed, the state and the judiciary would follow the Western institutions on which they were modelled. Until the early 1990s---when the ruling dispensation grew unbelievably corrupt and turned a blind eye to the Babri destruction---medieval brutality was, I thought, over: Political enemies would no longer be poisoned, women and children no longer savaged as a matter of course to signal the conquest of a victorious army.

After their giant electoral victories, the new, democratically elected Hindu Right has proven the opposite.

I was about to catch a flight when the details on the little girl were published, and as I tried functioning with the normalcy and efficiency airports demand, it became a steady drum beat inside me: When you were taking a train down from the hills, a voice inside me said, they shoved pills down her throat to drug her; while you were making yourself toast, they shoved themselves into her, grown men took turns forcing themselves on to a child; while you were walking into the airport, they bashed her head in with a stone; they raped her in a temple; they hid her under a bed; they strangled her with her own clothes.

After that, one of them joined the search for the miss...

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