To Meghna, My Daughter

When Gulzar, poet and lyricist, composed a verse to celebrate the power and resilience of a woman at childbirth...

When Gulzar, poet and lyricist, composed a verse to celebrate the power and resilience of a woman at childbirth...


The ocean was watching

From the ocean my pot of nectar was to come

Every time the ocean turned the waters would quiver

Throbbing pain would pass through

The fragile womb of my daughter

I would be afraid at that moment

To ask for my pot of nectar


Whenever she would shudder, I would tremble

She was thirsty…

But water was not allowed

Cubes of ice were passed over her parched lips


The ocean was going to convulse in its own waters

Slash the ocean and take out the pot

If you don't the mother will die!

Now, when she plays with my 'pot of nectar' on her lap

The male within me says:'You never had the divine power

To bear this agony

And shoulder the pain of creating a human being'


GULZAR HAS WRITTEN to his daughter Meghna often, down the years. Every time he's wanted to reach out, hold her and shower her with love, his words have arranged themselves in a verse or a story.

Most fathers buy their daughters gifts, or take them to a nice place for a treat on their birthday. Every year, until Meghna turned 13, Gulzar would write her a book of stories and poems. He wrote her poetry when she turned 18, and then again, before her wedding day.

But on a February day, six years ago, when Meghna was in labour, the poet saw before him the pain and struggle of a mother at childbirth. The joy of holding his grandchild came later. As Meghna lay in hospital, in that stark labour room, pain numbing her body, her anxious ...

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