Beginning Again

In the face of life-altering change, only hope—comforting, terrifying, necessary—can show us the way to starting afresh

In the face of life-altering change, only hope—comforting, terrifying, necessary—can show us the way to starting afresh

When I was a toddler and fell over, my mother would immediately shout with joy: ‘Jumped,jumped, jumped!’ She wasn’t lying.She was turning something that had happened to me into something I had done. She was reframing the experience, turning it on its head.She was suggesting, ‘You did that to yourself, didn’t you? What a clever thing you are.’

Perhaps I was just a stupid kid, but I'm told that it seemed to work. I would waddle off in another direction, only to fall again and turn to her, threatening tears; and once again, I would be told that I had ‘jumped, jumped, jumped’.This was a family thing, and I thought of it as one of those strange things we Pintos did and resolved that it should be a secret. But then one day I was walking down the seafront outside the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai with a friend from college. A little fellow from out of town, separated from his mother, fell over. ‘Jumped, jumped,jumped!’ I shouted. Of course, he burst into tears. A strange man shouting at him in a strange language in the middle of a strange city must have been more than he could bear. His mother swooped down on him and mumbled her explanations and peace was restored.

My friend looked at me curiously. I explained, and she said, ‘Ah. Well, my mother did it differently. She would say, “Nothing’s happened, nothing at all, come to Mama,” holding out a cream biscuit or a lolly, and I would waddle, stumble, waddle to her and be rewarded. Then she’d say, “See,you fell and got up and you got a bikki!” I’m told I became a committed faller and riser.’Why am I telling you all this? I think because there are times through life when we all try to do what our mothers were doing for us. We try to find meaning in life’s seeming randomness,its unfairness. In the grip of the COVID pandemic, we’ve been doing this more visibly. We are trying to see mea...

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