Are You Too Boring For Therapy?

Six tips for spicing up the relationship

Six tips for spicing up the relationship

Worried that your dull problems and weak-sauce neuroses are putting your therapist to sleep? Spent yet another tedious session talking about your mother? Again?

Don’t fear: Therapy is about self-improvement. Yes, your counsellor is in this field because she wants to make a positive difference in the lives of others, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make her day positively different. This helpful guide can help you spice up your sessions—and self- actualize in ways neither of you have expected!

Share your interests

She may know nearly everything about your relationships with your family and friends. But, does she know about your relationship to the hit 1990s television series Friends? While it’s true that your therapist pursued her career path to help others navigate life’s toughest circumstances, it’s also true that an hour spent determining whether you’re a Ross or a Phoebe is a valuable psychological exploration that says a lot about both of your capabilities.

Dress for the occasion

Your therapist may have a master’s degree in psychology, but you can still wow her with your mastery of fashion. A nine-foot velvet cape makes a powerful statement without you having to use any words at all.

Add some mystery

Even the most professional relationship needs the element of surprise. Yes, it’s been wonderful having your therapist help you unpack your emotions every Thursday afternoon. But mixing things up with a Monday session will have her saying, “Did your schedule change?”

You can eagerly reply, “No, it did not. I just thought this would make things more interesting for you,” to which she will doubtless respond, “I’m happy to schedule appointments during all available work hours.” Exhilarating!

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