These Six Coolers Will Help You Beat The Heat

You don’t have to sweat it out while preparing these drinks. They are also available in ready-to-use packs

You don’t have to sweat it out while preparing these drinks. They are also available in ready-to-use packs


Much before many imported (and more exotic-sounding) brands of instant drinks took over the market, this delicious energizer was the one drink people (young and old) would enjoy on a hot day. Whether added to a glass of cold milk or mixed with water with a dash of lemon juice and a few sprigs of mint or poured on top of an ice cream to make a super-decadent sundae, RoohAfza is not only a thirst quencher but also this versatile fruity syrup. All through the years this sharbat has retained its original flavour and continues to be a favourite with people of all ages.

Aam Panna

Made with raw green mangoes, aam panna is delicious as well as nutritious. Other than help fight dehydration, this sweet and tangy drink is packed with vitamins B1, B2 and C and essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium. If making it from scratch seems like a chore, you can stock ready-to-drink bottles or use an instant aam panna mix to make a quick refreshing drink any time of the day.


While you may associate thandai with Holi parties, this wonderful drink is a super-nutritious cooler perfect for a hot day. Literally meaning cold, thandai is prepared using a mixture of almonds, pepper, rose petals, cardamom, vetiver seeds, saffron, milk, fennel seeds, and sugar. “It cools from inside and serves as an instant energizer ... It’s a medley of ingredients that are great on their own, but together they deliver a potent health kick,” says nutritionist, weight management consultant and health writer Kavita Devgan in a DailyO article.

Coconut Water

High in water content and packed with vitamins and minerals, coconut water should be your drink of choice before you step out in the sun or just after you are back home. It instantly replenishes the fluid lost due to sweat...

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