Switch To Soya Milk For Your Daily Health Dose

This low-fat, non-dairy drink is good for your heart

This low-fat, non-dairy drink is good for your heart

If you are missing out on nutrients, soya milk can come to your rescue.

Made by soaking soya beans in water and straining them, soya milk is a vegan alternative to regular dairy-based beverages. Smooth and creamy, soya milk is also a singular source of calcium and vitamin D which can liven up your coffee, smoothie or cereal. It is packed with a host of nutrients, such as essential omega-3 fatty acids and flavonoids with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that protect your heart and ensure proper functioning of other organs in your body. Lactose-intolerant people or those suffering from gastrointestinal issues can also avail of the benefits of this wonderful drink. 

Soya milk has medical benefits too. In an article on Everyday Health, Barbara Schmidt, a US based nutrition lifestyle programme specialist, says that soya is rich in plant chemicals called isoflavones which may treat osteoporosis and reduce cancer risk.

Here’s why you should consider shifting to soya milk:

A wholesome diet

Make nutrient-rich soya milk a part of your diet to make it more healthy and well-balanced. Soya milk is rich in plant protein and is gluten-free.

Protects heart health

Soya is said to be cardio-protective. Several studies have found that consumption of soya protein on a daily basis lowers cholesterol levels significantly.

Can be processed into solids

You can make healthy curds and yogurts from soya milk. Tofu, a popular substitute for paneer, is made by condensing and coagul...

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