Planning to Buy A Juicer? This Guide Will Help You Make The Right Choice

An efficient juicer can make your life easy. This guide tells you all about the types of juicers currently available in the market 

An efficient juicer can make your life easy. This guide tells you all about the types of juicers currently available in the market 

If you have health on your mind and the heat is getting the better of you, it is time to switch to juices to hydrate your body and get your dose of nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables. An efficient juicer can make your life easier—besides juices, you can also make cold soups and irresistible cocktails in it. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:

Types of Juicers

There are four types of juicers currently available in the market—manual, centrifugal, cold press and USB electric bottle blender.

Hand juicer: Super easy to use and designed for quick and efficient juicing, hand juicers or manual juicers work on the simple premise of adding the fruit or vegetable in the feeder and then manually moving the push handle to extract the juice. The juice extracted comes with the pulp so the nutritional value is intact. A hand juicer is great for juicing soft, pulpy fruits such as orange, pineapple, grapes, sweet lime, watermelon, pomegranate, spinach, tomato and mango. Manual juicers are compact, noise-free, easy to clean and store, and cost-effective, which makes them a popular buy even today.

Centrifugal juicer: These juicers have more juice, quite literally. Powerful and effective for dense foods, such as apple, carrots, beetroot, radish and so on, these high-speed juicers work on the principle of centrifugal force. A metal blade spins against a filter and separates the juice from the flesh. Fast and efficient, they can be a little noisy and are known to heat up when used for long. Another downside is that some of the nutrients in the foods are lost during processing.

Cold press juicer or masticating juicer: These are slower as compared to centrifugal juicers and have a gentler extraction process of first crushing and then pressing the foods. You get a more pulpy juice full of nutrients that also tastes better. They yield more juic...

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