Make Your Resolutions Work

No more broken promises, just hit refresh. Use these tricks to stick to your goals.

No more broken promises, just hit refresh. Use these tricks to stick to your goals.

NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS can be a slippery slope. The harder you push, the greater the odds that you may trip. According to recent research by behavioural scientist Katherine Milkman from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, there are certain moments when we are most motivated to improve ourselves and make a change. This itch to 'do more' is most prevalent around times that mark a new beginning. Think New Year, the beginning of a week or month, your birthday or the end of a phase. This feeling of a clean slate doubly motivates you to take action.

This is also a time when we tend to overestimate our abilities and underestimate the effort our goals may require. Counter any loopholes with these tactics.

I Will Read More

Action plan: You are reading an article on meditation; midway you see a link on green spaces and click. By the second paragraph you're on another essay on garden pests. This 'hyperlink-reading' exhausts the brain. It makes you forgetful and impatient. Go old school and pick up a book. Set aside time to read every day, perhaps on your commute or before bedtime.

Why it works: Reading is an ageless activity that nourishes your brain and relieves stress. Starting in early childhood can have a positive impact on intelligence in later years, says a study in Child Development. Among the elderly, such cognitive activities keep the brain sharp and slow down memory decline, states a study in Neurology.

I Will Make Time for Myself

Action plan: Sometimes it is okay to say 'no', to keep aside 10-15 minutes for yourself. It is easier said than done, as most of us just about manage to keep afloat under the daily grind. Mumbai-based psychotherapist Shalini Anant suggests making time first thing in the morning to nurture yourself and spend it doing things that give you pleasure. Make it a daily ritual and guard it vehemently.

Why it works: We m...

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